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- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Project Name: DropShell
- ** File Name: DSUserProcs.h
- **
- ** Description: Header w/prototypes for specific AppleEvent handlers
- ** used by the DropShell
- **
- *******************************************************************************
- ** A U T H O R I D E N T I T Y
- *******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Initials Name
- ** -------- -----------------------------------------------
- ** LDR Leonard Rosenthol
- ** MTC Marshall Clow
- ** SCS Stephan Somogyi
- **
- *******************************************************************************
- ** R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y
- *******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Date Time Author Description
- ** -------- ----- ------ ---------------------------------------------
- ** 02/20/94 LDR Modified Preflight & Postflight to take item count
- ** 01/25/92 LDR Removed the use of const on the userDataHandle
- ** 12/09/91 LDR Added SelectFile & UserGlobals prototypes
- ** 11/24/91 LDR Added new routines & changed ones
- ** 10/29/91 SCS Changes for THINK C 5
- ** 10/28/91 LDR Officially renamed DropShell (from QuickShell)
- ** Added a bunch of comments for clarification
- ** 10/06/91 00:02 MTC Converted to MPW C
- ** 04/09/91 00:02 LDR Original Version
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __DSUSERPROCS_H__
- #define __DSUSERPROCS_H__
- #include "DSGlobals.h"
- #include "DSUtils.h"
- pascal void InstallOtherEvents (void);
- pascal void OpenApp (void);
- pascal void QuitApp (void);
- pascal Boolean PreFlightDocs ( Boolean opening, short itemCount, Handle *userDataHandle );
- pascal void OpenDoc ( FSSpecPtr myFSSPtr, Boolean opening, Handle userDataHandle );
- pascal void PostFlightDocs ( Boolean opening, short itemCount, Handle userDataHandle );
- pascal void SelectFile ( void );
- pascal Boolean InitUserGlobals(void);
- pascal void DisposeUserGlobals(void);
- #endif